I’m honored to have lived 40 years and without a doubt I feel like I’m just getting started. Beyoncé summarized turning forty perfectly:

“Whoever tried to condition women to feel that we are supposed to be old or unhappy when we turn 40 got it ALL THE WAY F’d UP. This has absolutely been the best I’ve felt in my life. I’m so grateful to be GROWN, GROWN.” 

I agree with her 100%. I feel stronger, more confident, grounded, satisfied, balanced, loved and able to commit not only to my growth but helping others do the same. And this is important for you to know because I had deep preconceived and societal programming about turning forty. For some reason I worried, mourned, felt guilty, anxious and scared until I realized I actually didn’t truly feel any of those things but had allowed those thoughts to creep inside of me based on what people said I should feel or what the number symbolized. I’m confident and believe that the best is yet to come. 

On the eve of my 40th Birthday I wanted to take the time to acknowledge everybody who has supported me on this transformative and wild ride I’ve been on. I wanted to give a special shout out to my entire family. I’ve been immensely blessed these last forty years with all of the friendships and support that I’ve received. I lucked out massively to have extremely strong family members and friendships that have helped pick me up over and over during my journey. At times the road has been brutal, confusing, tough, surprising and ironic but through it all my tears have been wiped away and my cuts tended to. All of the energy and love I have been surrounded by is so vast and great that I’m 100% convinced my loved ones are a big part of me being able to sit here and write to you from a vulnerable place. And on that note, to all my loved ones and readers - I love you and from the deepest part of my heart, thank you. 

And last but not least my birthday wish is that you allow yourself to let go of any societal programming that you are working with. It’s not serving you, it’s only suffocating you.


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