The Spirit Collection

The word “Spirit” is charged. The Latin root of the word “Spirit” harkens to our breath - the life-force that animates us all in the human experience.

I conceived this line of jewelry with the hope of helping you create, feel nourished, and strengthen your connection to your spirit and breath.

The pieces are inspired by cosmic elements to remind you of the rhythm of the Universe and our ancient traditions.

It’s about magic + connection + a reminder of how powerful you are.

Remember you are an altar - with space to grow, space to explore and space to discover. These pieces were created to help you fuel new habits, connect with your mission, vision and help ground you.

Healing crystals are individually selected which carry a unique energy and significance, metals of alchemy are shaped, hand picked ethereal stones are set, and months of intentions are laid into each piece.

The power lies in how you relate to them.

Each piece is proudly designed and handcrafted in Dubai.


Reconnect With Your Younger Self


A Few Exercises To Help Ground You